Round Table


Prof. Veselin Hadzhiev, PhD, Head of the Scientific Committee of the 20th IGWT Symposium, and Vice-Rector for Research and Development at the University of Economics – Varna;
Assoc. Prof. Bistra Vasileva, PhD, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of management at the University of Economics – Varna;
Mr Tabakov, Chairman of the Varna Chamber of Commerce;
Mr Bogomil Nikolov, President of the Active Consumer Association;
Mrs Marieta Stefanova – PhD student, Quality Manager at Zaharni Izdelia-Varna.

The Round Table Commodity Science: New Trends, Perspectives, and Development, held on 16 Sep 2016 as the closing session of the 20th IGWT Symposium Commodity Science in a Changing World brought together distinguished academic lecturers, successful business people and prominent consumer organization representatives. 
They were welcomed by Prof. Veselin Hadzhiev, who focused on the importance of outlining the latest trends and developments in commodity science.
Prof. Stoykova provided an overview of majors and degrees in commodity science at Varna University of Economics and proposed an award to accomplished young specialists.
Prof. Foltynowicz discussed the interdisciplinary aspects of commodity science, described commodity science studies in Poland and highlighted the significance of high quality training so that universities could gain a competitive advantage. Prof. Foltynowicz also suggested that it might be relevant to consider changing the name of commodity science to the acronym STEM to make it more recognizable in Britain and the US. STEM stands for Society, Technology, Environment, Mathematics/Management.
Mr Tabakov, Chairman of the Varna Chamber of Commerce, emphasized the chamber’s strong relations with Varna University of Economics as it was the Chamber that had initiated the establishment of the university. He further argued for more collaboration with the business resulting in more student internships.
Prof. Lucchetti discussed in detail publishing challenges that commodity scientists face and pointed out the importance of collaboration between publishing researchers to enhance quality of research and make their work more visible. This  would ultimately improve fundraising opportunities. 
Mrs Marieta Stefanova added more value to the discussion by describing how her PhD research at Varna University of Economics was proving highly beneficial in her work at the local sugar-processing plants, especially with the plant exporting production to almost 60 countries. She explained that a number of her employees were pursuing bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Economics, stressing how relevant their training was.
Mr Bogomil Nikolov, President of the Active Consumer Association, spoke about the social responsibility of supermarket chains and claimed that there would be a growing demand for commodity science specialists to ensure safety of products. Bulgarcontrol Ltd. and the Active Consumer Association announced that they would be happy to offer summer internships to local and international commodity science students.
Assoc. Prof. Vasileva and Prof. Zalewski made relevant contribution to the discussions.
Prof. Waginger offered an overview of the IGWT Assembly results.
Assoc. Prof. Sabka Pashova on behalf of Prof. Veselin Hadzhiev, PhD, Vice-Rector for Research and Development at the University of Economics – Varna, and of  Prof. Dancho Danchev, PhD at the University of Economics, Varna, Editor-in-Chief, offered to the Society to publish the symposium papers in Varna University of Economics Izvestia Journal.
Assoc. Prof. Sabka Pashova, vice president of the 20th IGWT Symposium organisation committee, and session moderator, was elected to be the next IGWT President, with  Prof. Chochol, the outgoing President, becoming the IGWT vice President.
The next IGWT symposium is to be held in Italy in 2018, with an award to be granted there to the best young specialist in commodity science.